Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development, as well as normal use of the Hussar tools.


For normal usage, you don't need to do anything special. You just need a supported package manager for your system, such as Homebrew.

To install Hussar for development, you need Go on your local machine. For instructions on how to install Go for your OS, follow the guide on their website.


The simplest method to download the Hussar interpreter if you are on a macOS system is to use our Homebrew tap as shown below:

$ brew tap hussar-lang/tap
$ brew install hussar

An alternative method is to clone the project from this repository directly. You can do this by running git clone


You can run scripts with the run subcommand, while passing in the script in question.

$ hussar run file.hss

Another option is to simply call the Hussar command without any subcommands, which will start the interactive mode (or REPL) like so:

$ hussar

Once in the interactive mode, you can run code and get the result returned. You can exit this mode by calling exit(0) or by pressing control-c in your terminal.


If you are on macOS or Linux, you can run Hussar scripts without having to call the interpreter directly. Simply add the following shebang to the top of your script.



You will have to change the location to point to where your Hussar interpreter is on your system. If you are unsure, try executing which hussar

Last update: 4 years ago